Friday, October 24, 2008

Podcast Ping 48-Undead Love

Here's this year's brand new Halloween episode. All the songs deal with monsters of one sort or another and love. It's a good one to play at a Halloween party or just share with friends and fiends.

I've got a new version of Chapter 1 of THE UNSTOPPABLE RIDE done which I'll probably release Sunday (Oct 26). I've also a few more rebuilds to get out, most in the next couple weeks (if I get the time to work on them).

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Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Podcast Ping Bonus 3 Rebuild

A rebuild of Podcast Ping Bonus 3-Ghosts.

(Button now fixed. It previously played the wrong episode, although the link played the right one.)

I'm looking at a couple more to possibly rebuild, but I want to move onto new material. I've recorded the first chapter of THE UNSTOPPABLE RIDE again, but I can't say when I'll get it up. Hopefully this week. I haven't decided whether to release it before or after Podcast Ping 48.

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