Sunday, October 26, 2008

The Unstoppable Ride - Chapter 1 Version 2

Although it's been a while, I'm now back to presenting THE UNSTOPPABLE RIDE. It's a story of a detective trapped in an amusement park.

This is the second version of the first episode and there are some noticeable changes, particularly to the beginning. I will probably get a few episodes out before Christmas but I would like to present them weekly, or at least bi-weekly, in the new year.

As such, I may hold off on doing any regular Podcast Ping episodes after 50 until the series is finished. It depends upon how much time I have. I've also got a few rebuilds that I'll finish before the end of the year. I've been doing rebuilds because I've been uploading old episodes to Mininova and felt that many of the old episodes were of such poor quality it was worth redoing. But there's only about four or five of those.

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1 comment:

Patrick McNamara said...

For those downloading this, I haven't finished the story yet so I'm holding off on the podiobook posts.