Monday, November 30, 2009

Podcast Ping's Christmas Calendar Day 1

This is the first of twenty-five episodes of Podcast Ping's Christmas Calendar. Unlike the Halloween episodes, I don't have a host. The episodes are more like regular Podcast Ping shows.

These episodes are shorter than regular episodes, with only one poem and one song, but collectively they add up to about one-and-a-half to two hours. And considering they're daily, it would be difficult for many if they were too long.

I've currently got about seventeen episodes completed. I've got about six more poems to write, but with more than two weeks before I need them I should have no trouble getting them done in time. I know from the Halloween episodes that it can get to be a bit of a marathon to post, especially around the second and third weeks.

I expect most of the work will be in posting the episodes; not only do I have to post for the podcast/blog site but I'm also going to post them on Mininova. And I'm doing that every day. Which is why I'm planning to post them the night before as I did with the Halloween episodes. The early posting also makes it easier for someone overseas, especially in Japan or Australia, since a morning posting here could come to them in the evening there.

And I may be late with some posts depending upon what my schedule is like. But in most cases they will be up by noon EST, if not the midnight before. I'm also susceptible to server problems so if Blogger, The Internet Archive or Mininova is having trouble the posts could be late.

There's more to say but I'll save that for later posts. I do have twenty-four more to go.

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